Cod.: BH0216

Shinyfridge - Sanitising cleaner for refrigerators

Retail price


Price is VAT inclusive

Shinyfridge is a sanitising cleaner designed to clean all types of refrigerators. Specifically formulated to effectively clean and sanitise both the inside and outside of the refrigerator, the product ensures thorough cleaning without leaving residues that might come into contact with food. Practical to use, it dries quickly, eliminates odours and leaves a pleasant scent. It is suitable for use in activities subject to the H.A.C.C.P. self-control system.

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Registered office Chogan Group s.p.a.
Via A. Olivetti, 24
00131 Roma (RM)
Partita IVA IT07872640722
REA RM1577890
Capitale sociale: 150.000 €
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Business Opportunity
Registered office
    Chogan Group s.p.a.
    Via A. Olivetti, 24
    00131 Roma (RM)
    Partita IVA IT07872640722
    REA RM1577890
    Capitale sociale: 150.000 €