Cod.: BH0210

Brilgrease - Ultra concentrated degreaser and sanitiser

Retail price


Price is VAT inclusive

Brilgrease is a highly effective concentrated cleaner that degreases and sanitises surfaces. Its balanced ammonia- and phosphate-free formulation makes it effective and indispensable for cleaning stubborn dirt from all washable plastic, rubber, wood, ceramic, glass, stainless steel, metal and other surfaces or fabrics. Also suitable for use in activities subject to the Self-Control System (H.A.C.C.P.), Brilgrease effectively removes grease, oil, smoke stains, incrustations, smog, oily stains and deposits, waxes, rubber marks and any other type of dirt.

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Registered office Chogan Group s.p.a.
Via A. Olivetti, 24
00131 Roma (RM)
Partita IVA IT07872640722
REA RM1577890
Capitale sociale: 150.000 €
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Business Opportunity
Registered office
    Chogan Group s.p.a.
    Via A. Olivetti, 24
    00131 Roma (RM)
    Partita IVA IT07872640722
    REA RM1577890
    Capitale sociale: 150.000 €