Cod.: INTB043

Food supplement in capsule form – SORE STOP +

With patented PEA-ARTICOL™ complex
Retail price


Price is VAT inclusive

SORE STOP + is a food supplement in capsule form designed to combat and relieve pain and inflammation. Its special formulation owes its effectiveness to the PEA-ARTICOL™ complex, a mixture we have patented and developed in our laboratories. The synergy between its ingredients and vitamins, i.e. Vitamin D und Group B Vitamins, helps the body to respond positively to stressful situations, reducing fatigue and maintaining energy levels.

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Registered office Chogan Group s.p.a.
Via A. Olivetti, 24
00131 Roma (RM)
Partita IVA IT07872640722
REA RM1577890
Capitale sociale: 150.000 €
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Business Opportunity
Registered office
    Chogan Group s.p.a.
    Via A. Olivetti, 24
    00131 Roma (RM)
    Partita IVA IT07872640722
    REA RM1577890
    Capitale sociale: 150.000 €