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Cod.: U13

Pure Linseed Oil - 100 ml

Retail price


Price is VAT inclusive


When applied topically on the skin, Linseed oil has moisturising properties and improves tissue elasticity and resistance. It is rich in Linoleic Acid, which regulates skin moisture and enhances skin elasticity. It can be used either on face and body skin and is particulary suitable for treating skin areas most prone to dehydration, such as elbows and knees. In addition, Linseed Oil is a good substitute for hand cream and very useful to prevent dryness and redness when doing housework or other activities that might stress the skin of the hands.

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Registered office Chogan Group s.p.a.
Via A. Olivetti, 24
00131 Roma (RM)
Partita IVA IT07872640722
REA RM1577890
Capitale sociale: 150.000 €
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Business Opportunity
Registered office
    Chogan Group s.p.a.
    Via A. Olivetti, 24
    00131 Roma (RM)
    Partita IVA IT07872640722
    REA RM1577890
    Capitale sociale: 150.000 €