Cod.: BH0218

Brilcaf - Descaler for coffee machines

Retail price


Price is VAT inclusive

Brilcaf is a descaler of natural origin specifically designed for cleaning the internal components of coffee machines. Its use makes it possible to instantly eliminate limescale deposits, carbon residues and coffee powder without affecting the plastic components, seals and pipes of the appliance.
Safe and compliant with current hygiene and health regulations (H.A.C.C.P. self-control system), Brilcaf leaves no residue after rinsing and therefore does not alter the taste of coffee in any way.

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Registered office Chogan Group s.p.a.
Via A. Olivetti, 24
00131 Roma (RM)
Partita IVA IT07872640722
REA RM1577890
Capitale sociale: 150.000 €
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Business Opportunity
Registered office
    Chogan Group s.p.a.
    Via A. Olivetti, 24
    00131 Roma (RM)
    Partita IVA IT07872640722
    REA RM1577890
    Capitale sociale: 150.000 €