The best of past promos in an unprecedented deal!
Are you ready for a month of unmissable offers?
We are excited to announce the start of our BEST OF PROMO, an unmissable initiative valid from now until 9 a.m. on September 30th!
For an entire month, we’ll be bringing back and alternating the most popular promotions of the year.
Each promo will last 48 hours and will include free gifts or special prices on some of the products of our most popular brands: Aurodhea, Olfazeta, SuppleFit, Peptilux and Brilhome.
We don't want to reveal too much, but we can guarantee one thing: you will love this special initiative!
So, visit our website throughout the month, discover the promotion and don't miss it out!
Take advantage of our BEST OF PROMO: click here
N.B. Promotion valid until 9 a.m. on September 30th and applicable only as indicated, while stocks last.
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