Six New Year’s good resolutions for 2023

04/01/2023 - 15:21

Category: Blog

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Here are some goals to set yourself to start the year on the right foot.

«All victories come when we have the courage to start»


Everyone loves new beginnings.

Starting something always kindles enthusiasm and positivity, a rush of endorphins and positive vibes that give us the feeling that we can achieve each goal we propose ourselves.

No matter how 2022 ended. Everyone, some more than others, hopes for a more auspicious and happy 2023. Many might think that it’s a simple mental construction, a mere psychological mechanism, and perhaps they’re right... but that’s the beauty of it!

It all starts in the mind: the goals we set, the strategy we adopt to achieve them and the perseverance that determines success.

So, whether 2023 is your lucky year or not, it’s you who makes the difference.

So here are 6 good resolutions for this new beginning: get inspired and be your own change.


Find your dream job


«Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life»

- Confucius

Loving your job is often considered an optional extra, a non-essential requirement for everyday life. Such a state of affairs leads us to live counting the days until holidays and weekends, as if we find it hard to work. The truth is that work should be satisfying, exhausting but never a burden. Whether we accepts it or not, we spend a good part of our lives working, which is why we should never resign ourselves to a job that makes us unhappy.

We want you to stop for a second, to ask yourself what you can do, what your passion is and start cultivating change for a better tomorrow.

Whatever you choose, keep in mind that our big family is always ready to welcome you.

Change your life: become a Chogan Consultant and choose your dream job!


Take better care of yourself


«Fall in love with yourself, with life and then with whoever you want»

- Frida Kahlo

Are you an ace at organizing appointments and errands?

Are your days endless? Do you have a jam-packed agenda?

No matter how satisfying it may be to feel constantly busy and no matter how strong the call of duty may be. What you need to ask yourself is whether you are taking care of yourself. Carving out time for hobbies, relaxing or simply lazing around is essential to recharge your batteries and face any challenges.

In 2023 you’ll learn to really love yourself. Here's how you can start:

- Find an hour for yourself to cultivate your passions

- Treat yourself to a relaxing moment with our room fragrance diffusers

- Cook your favourite dishes more often

- Pamper yourself with our body creams or face masks

- Listen to your favourite music or watch your favourite films and TV series

- Keep active and… move on to the next step!


Lose weight and eat better


«Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food»

- Hippocrates

Taking care of yourself also means learning to eat healthily and doing regular physical activity to get a beautiful, strong and above all healthy physique. Although it wouldn’t hurt to get the perfect beach body for the summer, it’s not as important as feeling good about yourself, your body and others is.

Here are a few tips:

- Try to walk as much as possible

- Cut down on fatty foods and snack on fruit

- Keep a food diary on our SuppleFit app: it’s easy and fun!

- Let our SuppleFit supplements, meal shakes and proteins help you


Make new friends


«The deepest bonds are made neither of ropes, nor of knots, yet no one unties them»

- Lao Tzu

We often don't realize it, but it’s friends who really enrich us and save us.

Because of them you laugh a little harder and cry a little less, which is why it’s important to nurture your friendships and avoid reacting defensively when making new friends.

We’re given so many opportunities to meet new people, but what we can assure you is that our community is made up of wonderful people you can trust and rely on.

If friendships are like parachutes, the ones you will find in Chogan are building a real network.


Travel more


«Life is a journey and those who travel live twice»

- Omar Khayyām

What do we wish you for this 2023?

Lots of emotions, encounters and experiences!

What’s the best way to get all them at once? By travelling, of course. Whether far away or nearby, get out of your comfort zone, explore new places and get in touch with new cultures and people.

The world is big and you don't know where to start?

We suggest that you attend Paris EuroEvent 2023. We are waiting for you to come!


Learn to enjoy the moment


«Our true home is the present moment. To live in the present moment is a miracle»

- Thich Nhat Hanh

Being happy is a matter of practice, a skill one can cultivate, a way of life one can learn and adopt. We often spend our lives regretting the past or expecting something good about the future, but the truth is that happiness is made up of little things and sometimes we are too distracted to grasp them.

Making the most of the present and learning to appreciate all small, big joys: that’s the most important goal for 2023.


These are our resolutions for 2023, what are yours?

Write them in a comment and if you’ve found this article useful, like it!

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